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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Japanese gardening

Japanese gardening is a cultural form of gardening that is meant to produce a scene that mimics nature as much as possible by using trees, shrubs, rocks, sand, artificial hills, ponds, and flowing water as art-forms. The Zen and Shinto traditions are both a large part of Japanese gardening and, because of this; the gardens have a contemplative and reflective state of mind. Japanese gardening is much different than the Western style and most would say it is far more meditational and soul soothing.

In Japanese gardening there are three basic methods for scenery. The first of these is reduced scale. Reduced scale is the art of taking an actual scene from nature, mountains, rivers, trees, and all, and reproducing it on a smaller scale. Symbolization involves generalization and abstraction. An example of this would be using white sand to suggest the ocean. Borrowed views refers to artists that would use something like an ocean a forest as a background, but it would end up becoming an important part of the scene.

There are essentially two types of Japanese gardening: tsukiyami, which is a hill garden and mainly composed of hills and ponds. The other is hiraniwa, which is basically the exact opposite of tsukiyami: a flat garden without any hills or ponds.

The basic elements used in Japanese gardening include rocks, gravel, water, moss, stones, fences, and hedges. Rocks are most often used as centerpieces and bring a presence of spirituality to the garden. According to the Shinto tradition rocks embody the spirits of nature. Gravel is used as a sort of defining surface and is used to imitate the flow of water when arranged properly. Stones are used to create a boundary and are sculpted into the form of lanterns. Water, whether it be in the form of a pond, stream, or waterfall, is an essential part of a Japanese garden. It can be in the actual form of water or portrayed by gravel, but no matter what form water is in, it is crucial to a Japanese gardens balance.

There are several forms and types of plants that are signature of Japanese gardening, the main one being Bonsai. Bonsai is the art of training everyday, average plants, such as Pine, Cypress, Holly, Cedar, Cherry, Maple, and Beech, to look like large, old trees just in miniature form. These trees range from five centimeters to one meter and are kept small by pruning, re-potting, pinching of growth, and wiring the branches.

Japanese gardening is a tradition that has crossed the Muso Soseki, poet, said “Gardens are a root of transformation”. A Japanese garden is sure to bring about many different feelings and is definitely a transforming experience.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Rain and Snow in your Yard Landscaping

Rain and snow are going to play a huge part in your yard landscaping decisions. For example you will have to plan for your yard landscaping with care. You should go to the library and take out some books on the subject. These yard landscaping books will help you to learn all of the most important points of yard landscaping so that you do not ruin your yard for good.

Your yard landscaping needs to be done with close attention being paid to rain and snow as well as proper drainage. If you find that your yard gets too muddy in the winter or you have large puddles all over then you most likely do not have the right kind of drainage going on. This is something that you may want to consider getting a professional in to take care of. If you still want to do the rest of your yard landscaping yourself then this is fine but some things are better left to the professionals.

You need to have your yard landscaping done in such a way that the rain when it falls, will actually water your plants. You will be able to use all of the water that falls into your yard to feed the plants and the trees if you set up your yard landscaping the right way. Knowing the general rainfall levels and times of the year you will then be able to make up the water levels when they drop with other watering. This is important during times like summer when it gets hot and there is not much rain.

Snow is another thing that is very important to your yard. Snow is just as vital to your entire yard landscaping project as rain is. Snow not only waters your yard as it melts but the snow, although cold, can actually help to keep your soil warmer. This will allow any plants that are sleeping under the snow to stay healthy and alive. Your bulbs will pop up in the spring in perfect form and color making your yard landscaping all the more beautiful

When it rains you need to see just how the rain is transferred all over your yard. This is very important to the entire yard landscaping that you are planning to do. This is simple to do, all you need to do is take a walk around your yard the next time it starts to rain. Watch for where the rain puddles and where it drains to and you are well on your way to perfect yard landscaping. This kind of work is the easy part of the job and is the best way to start. Then you will know what needs to be done to get the right kind of drainage going with you yard landscaping.

Get The Best Around the Pool Landscaping

It is a great idea to get your pool looking its best by making use of around the pool landscaping. This kind of pool landscaping can turn your boring old backyard into the backyard of the stars. You can have a Hollywood looking backyard in n o time if you play your cards right.

A good pool landscaping design will make your pool the focal attraction and bring out so much more in your yard. If your yard is large you can consider adding gorgeous brick walkways to your yard around the pool. This kind of pool landscaping can lead to other parts of the yard as well. You can have a larger grouping of brick on which you can place your patio furniture, a table and chairs can look fabulous.

Breaking up the brick in the pool landscaping will some patches of greenery is a good touch. These bits of green will breathe life into the whole picture and take out the hard stone look. Brick is a good choice of stone because it is a softer looking stone. The red brick color is warm and inviting it will not leave your yard looking cold and unwelcoming. The green plants will only add to the beauty of the brick as a pool landscaping tool.

You can throw in some landscaping stones around the plants and the edges of the patio. Light colored Stones will add so much to the entire pool landscaping design. Choose small and sharp stones and you have just added a whole other layer of texture tot the landscape and this on its own will make your yard look fabulous.

You can also think about putting in some colorful flowers. If you spend a lot of time by the pool at night add some night blooming flowers as well. This way you will be surrounded by some fabulous blooms and scents all day (and night) long. Combined all of these ideas will make your pool landscaping design the best ever seen.

Start looking into the way to go about this kind of pool landscaping today. Some of it you may be able to do on your own while other aspects you may need some professional help with. Your pool landscaping is going to impress all of your friends when you are done so get started today and it will be done in no time.